About Us

We are a Nevada County astronomy club with a common interest in learning and sharing our love for astronomy. Our purpose is to provide a forum for monthly meetings and to share our enthusiasm and interest with other amateurs and the public through a variety of outreach programs.


Our members come from all walks of life and we are a open to all. You do not need a telescope; just an interest in astronomy. Dues are $20 per year for a family and go to supporting our costs for room rent, public outreach, speakers and administrative expense. All of our board members are volunteers. Like to become a member, click here for the application.

Union Hill School presentation in 3D

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings (except June, July, and August) are held at the Madelyn Helling Nevada County Library in the community room on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm. Visitors are always welcome. Generally, a speaker on a topic of interest to amateur astronomers will present a program. In summer, we have a picnic and summer star parties.

Social Media

The Nevada County Astronomers maintains a small (but growing!) library of some of the presentations made during the monthly general meetings on YouTube.  Please visit https://www.youtube.com/@ncastronomers9981 for the channel.

A Groups.io site is also maintained for members to exchange news and events related to the club.